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藍色詩篇 萬用乳霜 Blue psalm Universal cream


「Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;」 ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭103:3‬ ‭





Blue Psalm Universal Cream 藍色詩篇 萬用乳霜

SKU: 0008
  • 直接塗抹在過敏、痘痘、蚊蟲叮咬、瘀血或是皮膚乾裂處,等......各種皮膚問題都可以廣泛使用且效果明顯,對於止癢退紅與消炎效果很好!對於皮膚保養也是有很好的功效,可當護手霜與面霜使用。甜美的香氣完全不會讓人聯想到傳統藥膏,也具有安定我們的心神之功效!

  • 使用有機初榨植物油為基底油,加上有機種植蘆薈膠與國際有機認證精油,純天然無添加任何的化工成分,像是化工界面活性劑、乳化劑、防腐劑與抑菌劑,所以天然無負擔。


About Us

Provide a variety of goods that heal the body and mind The products provided include space purification perfume and blessing spray with spiritual meaning of angel blessing,  There are seven chakra oils and universal creams corresponding to the energy of the central axis of the human body! Provide exclusive tailor-made, exclusive use of chakra oil or healing oil. And sacred aromatherapy card divination and tarot divination, Because of his belief in Christianity, prayers and blessings come from the Lord.

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